Is there a better way of "doing justice"? The alternative may surprise you.
The banner says "No justice. No Peace."

We think we know what it means -- that we who want justice are willing to fight for it. The words have a deeper meaning, of course. They are intended to remind us that that it is an impossibility to have a peaceful society as long as there is injustice, because inevitably those who are oppressed will rise up.
As slogans go, this one is pretty clever, so clever, in fact, that it's easy to get caught up in the words and forget to think about what they actually mean.
What is it that we really want when we say we want justice?

What exactly does this sign mean?
As slogans go, this one is pretty clever, so clever, in fact, that it's easy to get caught up in the words and forget to think about what they actually mean.
What is it that we really want when we say we want justice?