Friday, August 20, 2010

How to get stars to follow you on Twitter

They say Twitter is all about telling people that you had organic beets for lunch.
This is not true. The real reason people tweet is so that, one fine, illustrious day, someone famous decides to follow them. The joy, the surprise, the feeling of sudden acceptance into a higher echelon of society makes all the effort worthwhile.
But is there a way in which you can attract people's attention a little more quickly?
Well, one of the Web's more engaging characters, Whoisthebaldguy (aka Michael Krivicka, inspiration behind theNude it iPhone app), decided that he should use all of the Web's tools in order to flatter stars into following him. He began to make personalized websites and YouTube videos asking, cajoling, inspiring the famous to follow his every thought, deed, and thought about deeds.