The Doctor Who Wee-Wee Conundrum
by (I am a teacher at a school in the North East of England. Before you start to moan and think “Oh my God, another loony lefty or liberal teacher who is about to spout forth a loud of nonsense in an, I know all the solutions to the worlds problems, type way”; before you think “I know exactly what kind of leftist tripe I’m going to hear from this guy”; before you flick back on to your own word press site or face book page and think to yourself Who the hell is this guy anyway ….)
by (I am a teacher at a school in the North East of England. Before you start to moan and think “Oh my God, another loony lefty or liberal teacher who is about to spout forth a loud of nonsense in an, I know all the solutions to the worlds problems, type way”; before you think “I know exactly what kind of leftist tripe I’m going to hear from this guy”; before you flick back on to your own word press site or face book page and think to yourself Who the hell is this guy anyway ….)
I guess this next entry is going to seem a little puerile but I can’t resist: On our day out on Thursday (sorry for a repeat performance of this Barney and Ruth), Laurence noticed that the small entrance to the public conveniences at Paulton’s Park led into a deceptively roomy toileting area.
“It’s like the TARDIS in here Dad.” He said.
“What do you mean son?”
“Its much bigger inside than it looks outside,” he observed.
This prompted a much bigger discussion around the issue of toilets on the TARDIS. Are there any toilets on the TARDIS? Does Dr. Who ever need to go to the toilet? Would his toileting habits be different from those of humans?
Read the full story here sometimes the bloggers tackle the big issues